Polydactyl Maine Coon Cats – Beyond Extra Toes

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maine coon silver shaded 8 months

What makes a Polydactyl Maine Coon unique?

Polydactyl Maine Coons are incredibly popular among cat enthusiasts worldwide. However, what sets them apart is a rare genetic trait they possess – polydactylism, or having extra toes. These cats are also known as “Hemmingway Cats” due to the famous writer’s fondness for them. A dominant gene that causes polydactylism can pass down to offspring. At least one parent must carry the gene for it to appear in kittens, but it’s not guaranteed that all polydactyl cats will have polydactyl kittens. While Maine Coons have a higher occurrence of polydactylism compared to other breeds, not all Maine Coons are polydactyl.

Understanding the paws of a Polydactyl Maine Coon

Typically, a cat’s front paws have five toes each, while the back paws have four. In the case of a polydactyl Maine Coon, they can have up to two extra toes on each paw. If you come across a description like “7/7/6/6” for a kitten, it means they have the maximum number of toes for a polydactyl cat, with seven on both front paws and six on each back paw.

Caring for a Polydactyl Maine Coon’s paws

Fortunately, maintaining the paw health of a polydactyl cat is not overly complicated, as long as you regularly check for any issues or injuries. Here are some tips:

  • Examine each paw carefully, looking for anything stuck between their toes or cuts on their pads.
  • Trim their nails regularly to prevent them from becoming too long, embedded, and uncomfortable.
  • Provide plenty of scratching posts and toys to help keep their claws healthy and naturally worn down.
  • Monitor your cat’s activity levels and regularly check and clean their toes.

Are Polydactyl Maine Coons considered rare?

In the past, it was believed that up to 40% of Maine Coons were polydactyl. However, the occurrence of polydactylism in Maine Coons has significantly decreased as breeders have actively bred out this trait. The acceptance and recognition of polydactyl Maine Coons vary by country and cat associations. For example, TICA accepts polydactyl Maine Coons, but CFA does not. Interestingly, sailors who had Maine Coons on their ships believed that the extra toes brought good luck and helped with catching mice. The differing opinions and regulations surrounding polydactyl Maine Coons make them intriguing to many people, and their extra toes are part of their unique breed characteristics. Although we currently do not work with polydactylism, we are constantly evolving and may introduce changes in the future. In the meantime, you can still enjoy our regular-toed kittens.

If you ever have the opportunity to meet a polydactyl Maine Coon, remember to give them lots of love and affection, as they are just like any other cat and deserve all the love in the world! If you have a polydactyl Maine Coon, feel free to share your experiences in the comments below!


Are Maine Coon Cats known for being cuddly?

Maine Coon enthusiasts around the world are always in search of the most affectionate and cuddly kittens. These are the cats that shower their owners with head butts, loud purrs, kneading, and love to curl up on their laps or rest their heads on their chests. While these characteristics sound wonderful, it’s important to note that not all Maine Coons fit this mold.

One of the most common questions I receive is whether Maine Coons like to cuddle. It’s a valid and understandable question, so let’s delve into it.

First, let’s define what “cuddly” means when it comes to Maine Coons. A cuddly cat is one that is huggable, enjoys curling up in your lap, kneading, and resting their head on you. They may sleep between your legs, on your pillow, or even ride on your shoulder. A cuddly Maine Coon will also tolerate being picked up and carried around.


Why Cat Lovers Care About How Cuddly Cats Are

The desire for connection and affection is strong in humans, and often we seek to fulfill this emotional need through our pets. Having a cuddly cat provides a wonderful expression of love and comfort, which appeals to those seeking companionship. It’swell known that owning and interacting with a cat has positive effects on mental health. Cuddling with your Maine Coon can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and improve your mood. This is why a “cuddly” cat is highly desirable.

While not all Maine Coons may be naturally inclined to be cuddly, it’s important to remember that each cat has its own unique personality. Some Maine Coons may be more independent or prefer to show affection in different ways. It’s essential to respect their boundaries and preferences while still enjoying the special bond you share with your Maine coon.

Maine Coon cats are known for their cuddly nature.

There are several factors that determine how affectionate they are towards their owners. While genetics play a role in determining a cat’s temperament, it is not the sole factor. Kittens can inherit behaviors and mannerisms from either parent, but there may still be exceptions where a kitten’s personality may not match that of its parents. As a breeder, it is important to use cats with good temperaments in the breeding program.



I believe that socializing a kitten from birth until it is 12 weeks old has a greater influence than genetics.

Take feral kittens as an example; if they don’t come into contact with people until a young age, they develop a fear of people and may never get over it.

In contrast, a kitten that receives nurturing attention and affection from a human at a young age tends to be very fond of people.

As a breeder, it is my priority to spend individualized time with each kitten, providing them with the nurturing they require to grow into gentle and affectionate pets. Just like humans, cats are unique individuals, and some kitties may not be cuddly, no matter how much human interaction they receive. To be honest, I believe that there are more cats that are not cuddly than those that are, and I accept and appreciate them all for their distinct traits.


Maine Coon cats are friendly and outgoing.

They earned the nickname “gentle giant” due to their large size and loving disposition. My experience of being around Maine Coons for the past 7 years has shown me that they adore human companionship. Similar to dogs, they like to follow you around and be a part of your everyday life. They prefer to sit beside you, rest next to you, sleep with you, and simply hang out with you. They are incredibly affectionate felines. However, they may not enjoy being picked up and cuddled, and some of them even dislike it. My favorite Maine coon named Chichi is my constant companion. She accompanies me wherever I go, and we share a special bond. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t describe her as “cuddly.” She does knead my hair and sleep on my head, so maybe she qualifies as somewhat cuddly. Not being cuddly doesn’t make them any less perfect as a companion. Every cat has a unique personality, much like people. They all possess distinctive habits and behaviors that make them exceptional. It’s best not to have any preconceived notions about certain traits you want them to have. They may end up having the opposite characteristics, but they all crave equal love and attention.

What exactly defines a cuddly Maine coon?

When you envision a cuddly cat, what comes to mind?

  • Do you picture a cat curled up in a cozy circle on your lap while you enjoy a book by the fire?
  • Is it a cat that rests on your pillow, purring and kneading your head as you sleep?
  • Is it possible that a feline companion appears on your desk, exhibiting a bouncing motion while raising its tail, extending an invitation to pet its back, and providing a gentle head bump?
  • Alternatively, is it a feline companion that grants you the privilege of picking them up whenever you feel affectionate, and will gladly have you cradle them on your back in your arms like a baby?

Regardless of your specific image of a cuddly Maine Coon, the ultimate goal is to have a cat that loves you and wants to share affection. Cats express their love for humans in various ways beyond just cuddling in your lap.

Understanding your Maine Coon’s love language

The sooner you familiarize yourself with your cat’s behavior and body language, the quicker your cat will appreciate and respect you. It’s important to recognize that “cuddling” may not always be your

cat’s primary way of showing affection. Cats have various ways of communicating their love. Here are some examples:

  • Slow Blinking: When your cat slow blinks at you, it’s their way of saying “I like you” or “I trust you.”
  • Napping Together: If your Maine Coon chooses to nap with you or nearby, it’s a sign that they trust you completely and feel safe in your presence.
  • Head bumping: When your cat’s head bumps you, it’s a gesture of affection and a way of marking you as part of their territory.
  • Soft Meows, Chirps, and Trills: These gentle vocalizations are your cat’s way of communicating with you and showing their affection.
  • Bringing Dead Animals: If your cat brings you dead animals like bugs or mice, it’s a sign that they trust you enough to share their prey.
  • Hanging Out in Your Space: Even if your cat is not actively seeking your attention, if they choose to spend time in your vicinity, it means they enjoy being in your presence.
  • Purring: When your cat purrs in your presence, it’s a clear indication that they are content and comfortable around you.
  • Upright or Curled Tail: An upright or question-mark-shaped tail, or a tail curled around you when you’re around, signifies that your cat is happy to see you and enjoys your company.
  • Following You Around: If your cat follows you around, it’s a sign that they appreciate your companionship and want to be near you.
  • Licking: When your cat licks you, it’s their way of grooming you and considering you part of their family.
  • Showing Their Tummy: While it’s not an invitation to rub their tummy, if your cat shows you their belly, it means they feel comfortable and safe around you.
  • Kneading or “Making Biscuits”: When your cat kneads you with their paws, it’s a behavior reminiscent of their kittenhood and a sign of contentment and affection.

By understanding and recognizing these different ways that your Maine Coon expresses love, you can deepen your bond and strengthen your relationship with your feline companion. https://amzn.to/3UxlkzS

The Importance of Trust in Love

For a Maine Coon, feeling safe is of utmost importance. If your cat displays signs of trust towards you, it also means that they love you. While many Maine Coons are known for being cuddly and enjoying lap time, this article aims to shed light on other ways your cat may express their love for you beyond being a cuddle bug. Just like there are humans who aren’t naturally inclined to cuddle, cats have their own unique ways of showing affection.

To let your Maine Coon know that you love them, give them a big kiss on their sweet head and a gentle scratch under the chin. You can also show your admiration for your Maine Coon by providing them with a high-quality cat tree designed specifically for their needs.

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