Maine Coon Kittens For Sale

Polydactyl Maine Coon Cats – Beyond Extra Toes

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What makes a Polydactyl Maine Coon Cats unique?

Polydactyl Maine Coons are incredibly popular in the United States and worldwide. What makes them unique is a rare genetic trait called polydactylism, which means they have extra toes.

These cats can have a genetic mutation, six-toed cats, or even seven toes. These cats also go by the name “Hemingway Cats” because the famous writer was fond of them.

A dominant gene that causes polydactylism can pass down to offspring. To have polydactyl kittens, one parent must have the polydactylism gene. However, not all polydactyl cats will have polydactyl kittens. While Maine Coons have a higher occurrence of polydactylism compared to other breeds, not all Maine Coons are polydactyl.

Categories of Polydactyl:


Extra toes are on the outside of the paw. This is the most common type of polydactylism seen in cats.


Extra toes are on the inside of the paw.



Extra toes are in the middle of the paw.

Understanding the paws of a Polydactyl Maine Coon cats:

Typically, a cat’s front paws have five toes each, while the back paws have four. In the case of a polydactyl  Coon cats, they can have up to two extra toes on each paw.

A description like “7/7/6/6” for a kitten means it has many toes. It has seven toes on each front paw and six toes on each back paw, which is typical for a polydactyl maine coon cats. Their paw pads are so unique!

We love mitten paws and the extra toes give the Maine Coon an even more majestic look. However, it’s important to note that not all Maine Coons are polydactyl, and this trait is not exclusive to this breed. In fact, many breeds can have polydactyly, including American Shorthairs, Siamese cats, and even mixed breeds.

A polydactyl cat’s paws can categorize the extra toes into three types: postaxial, preaxial, and mesoaxial. Postaxial refers to extra toes on the outside of the paw, while preaxial means they are on the inside of the paw. Mesoaxial refers to extra toes in the middle of the paw.

Snowshoe cats, also known as Polydactils, have extra toes that help them walk easily in deep snow. People believe that this trait originated in New England because of the harsh snowy climate.

It’s important for cat owners to be aware of their pet’s polydactyly as it can cause some health issues. For example, extra toes on the front Large paws can sometimes lead to difficulty grooming and increase the risk of ingrown nails. Regular grooming and nail trimming are essential for preventing any problems.

Polydactyl cats are also prone to developing arthritis in their extra toes, especially as they age. Using soft bedding and managing their weight can significantly enhance their comfort and overall quality of life.

Caring for a Polydactyl Maine Coon’s paws

Keeping a polydactyl cat’s large paws healthy is easy. Just check them often for problems or injuries. Here are some tips:

  • Examine each paw carefully, looking for anything stuck between their toes or cuts on their pads.
  • Trim their nails regularly to prevent them from becoming too long, embedded, and uncomfortable.
  • Provide plenty of scratching posts and toys to help wear down their claws.
  • Monitor your cat’s activity levels and regularly check and clean their toes.
Polydactyl Maine Coon

Are Polydactyl Maine Coons considered rare?

In the past, people believed that up to 40% of Maine Coons had polydactyly. Yet, the presence of extra toes in Maine Coons has gone down as breeders have actively bred out this trait.

Many people debate the number of toes a Maine Coon poly can have, with some claiming that they can have up to 7 toes on each paw. Most Maine Coons usually have 6 toes or fewer, and it’s uncommon for them to have more than that.

The world record of Polydactyls is held by a Maine Coon named Daniel, who has 26 toes in total. However, this is an extreme case and not representative of the overall population of polydactyl Maine Coons.

Polydactyl Coons Cat, although rare, are popular among cat lovers for their special look and background. Cats in New England likely developed extra toes to help them catch mice better, as people saw this trait as beneficial.

Many people think having extra toes (polydactylism) brings good luck, making cats with this trait more popular as pets. Ernest Hemingway loved polydactyl cats and actually owned them.

Other names for these Poly Coons include mitten cats, cats with extra toes, or conjoin cats. People often confuse them with Hemingway cats, which descend from the cats owned by Ernest Hemingway in Key West, Florida.

Some think polydactyl Maine Coon cats  are smarter and adapt better than other cats. Due to their unique genetic makeup, they may possess certain traits that make them stand out from other breeds.

In terms of physical appearance, polydactyl cats have larger paws and extra toes on both front and back feet. This gives the Gentle Giants a “big foot” look and makes them appear powerful and agile.

However, not all polydactyl are show-quality or desirable for breeding purposes. Some may have extra toes that cause

Polydactylism in cats is not exclusive to Maine Coons; it can occur in any breed. Some cat breeds are more likely to have extra toes. These breeds include American Curl, Japanese Bobtail, and Hemingway cats.

Maine Coon poly are becoming less common in their breed, but they are not rare when looking at all cat breeds. Their unique

The acceptance and recognition of polydactyl Maine Coons vary by country and cat associations. For example, TICA accepts polydactyl cats, but CFA does not. Sailors who had Maine Coons on their ships believed that the extra toes brought good luck and helped with catching mice.

Polydactyl Maine Coons have extra toes. This makes them interesting to many people. There are different opinions and rules about this unique breed.

Although we currently do not work with polydactylism, we are constantly evolving and may introduce changes in the future. In the meantime, you can still enjoy our regular-toed kittens.

If you meet a polydactyl cats, show them love and affection. They are like any other cat and deserve lots of love. If you have a Maine Coon poly , feel free to share your experiences in the comments below!

Polydactyl Cats are it’s own breed in TICA breed standards. CFA does not consider this in their breed standards.

The Importance of Trust in Love

For a Maine Coon, feeling safe is of utmost importance. Maine Coons are such cuddly cats, If your cat displays signs of trust towards you, it also means that they love you. Maine Coons are often cuddly and enjoy sitting on laps.

This article discusses other ways your cat may show love, aside from cuddling. Just like there are humans who aren’t naturally inclined to cuddle, cats have their own unique ways of showing affection.

To let your Maine Coon know that you love them, give them a big kiss on their sweet head and a gentle scratch under the chin. You can also show your admiration for your Maine Coon by providing them with a high-quality cat tree designed specifically for their needs.

Check out our Maine Coon Kittens. We will have polys next year!

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