Cats usually groom themselves well. However, Maine Coon owners often wonder if their cats’ unique coats need extra care, like baths.
People know Maine Coons for their long, thick shaggy fur, which helps protect them from the cold. Their fur, combined with extra toe tufts and a bushy tail, requires regular attention to prevent matting and tangles. Even though they groom themselves often, their thick undercoat can trap dirt. Their natural oils keep water away, but if not managed well, the fur can feel greasy.
Maine Coons do not often need bathing. However, if they have excess oil or go on outdoor adventures, a bath may be necessary. Brushing tips: Regular brushing helps prevent mats, and occasional baths keep their coat clean. Understanding their grooming needs will keep their fur maintenance healthy and easy to manage with minimal bathing.
Understanding the Oily Coats of Maine Coon
Maine Coons have long, thick fur that act as a natural barrier against water. Their fur has a slight oiliness that helps repel moisture, keeping them dry and comfortable in different weather conditions. This trait is a natural adaptation to their cold-climate origins, where staying warm and dry was crucial.
Despite the oiliness of their coats, Maine Coons are diligent self-groomers. They spend a considerable amount of time grooming themselves with their rough tongues, which helps remove dirt, debris, and excess oil from their fur. Their grooming routine is a key part of their daily activities. It helps with their hygiene and strengthens their bond with their human friends.
Along with regular grooming, a balanced diet with omega fatty acids keeps their coats healthy. These nutrients promote healthy skin and fur, reducing excessive oil production and preventing dry patches.
Brushing is important, especially for Maine Coons with long fur. It helps prevent mats and tangles. Regular brushing also spreads natural oils evenly in their coat.

When to Bath Your Maine Coon
While routine baths aren’t essential, there are situations where bathing your Maine Coon is beneficial:
Excessive Shedding: If your Maine Coon sheds a lot, give them a bath. After the bath, blow-dry and comb them. This can help remove loose fur and reduce hairballs. In such cases, a quarterly bath may be beneficial.
Unclean Fur: The ‘britches’ (long fur around the rear and legs) can sometimes trap debris, making a bath necessary. Additionally, incidents like diarrhea may require a thorough cleaning. Regular checks of these areas can help prevent discomfort and keep your cat feeling fresh.
Outdoor Adventures: If your Maine Coon plays outside and gets muddy, a bath can help clean its coat. A good chance exists to check for any foreign objects or pests on their fur. These may have stuck to them during their adventures.
Body odor maybe another reason why it’s time for a bath or a tooth cleaning. It is very important to maintain dental health.
We schedule all our cats for a yearly cleaning while they are sedated. During this cleaning, they also get hip and kidney X-rays, and an EKG. We use Banfield’s well plan , to cover this and other impotant grooming/health needs of all our breeding Maine Coons.
Instead of regular baths, focus on frequent combing and brushing. This practice helps distribute natural oils, reduces tangles, and prevents matting. For mats that do form, grooming tools are available to tackle them before they necessitate clipping.
The Bathing Experience for Your Maine Coon
Many Maine Coons love water, making bath time a fun experience for both the cat and the owner. However, not all Maine Coons share this fondness for water, so it’s important to approach bathing your cat with patience and care.
While some Maine Coons may naturally enjoy the warm water, others may be more cautious or even anxious. It’s crucial to make bath time a calm and positive experience by starting gradually and ensuring a safe environment. Over time, with gentle handling and reassurance, and getting into a routine and with bath frequency, your Maine Coon may come to tolerate or even enjoy bath time.
When you bathe your Maine Coon, use shampoos and conditioners made for cats. This will help care for their skin and fur. You can find degreasing products that help reduce oiliness in the coat. These products leave the coat soft, fluffy, and shiny.
If you see skin irritation during or after the bath, stop using the product. Talk to your vet to prevent more discomfort.
Be sure to dry your cat well after the bath. This helps prevent chills and spreads natural oils. A well-dried cat will have a healthier-looking coat. With positive reinforcement and a gentle approach, your Maine Coon can learn to enjoy bath time as part of their best grooming routine.

Product Recommendations:
To bathe your Maine Coon, use products from They offer many luxurious pet care items. These products keep your cat’s coat healthy and shiny.
Their specially formulated shampoos and conditioners are gentle yet effective, catering to the unique grooming needs of Maine Coons. To keep your Maine Coon’s coat healthy or reduce oiliness, their products are a great choice. They keep your cat’s fur soft and easy to manage.
There are products that address specific skin conditions, like sensitive skin, dry skin, and oily skin. This makes it easy to target every skin type.
Bath Time Tip
Before bathing your Maine Coon, trim their nails. This helps prevent accidental scratches. Cats can get uncomfortable with water. This simple step can help ensure a smoother, safer bath time experience for both you and your pet.
Maine Coons do not need baths often. However, knowing when and how to bathe them is important. Regular grooming also keeps their coat in great shape.
Every cat is unique. Watching how your Maine Coon reacts is important. Adjust their grooming routine to fit their needs. Bathing frequently is key, and you should avoid over-bathing.
Show Baths
We have shown our cats many times before. We also have recipes for professional grooming and show baths. These products cater to Maine Coons and long-haired cats.
If you want to know our secrets, reach out to me for show mentorship and grooming. At Bellspurr, we proudly serve as certified professional cat groomers! There is noting Maine Coon related that we are not experts at!